I was watching just recently, a program on National Geographic regarding the slaughter of elephants and rhinos for their tusks.
To see all these mutilated bodies just discarded on the ground, their once beautiful magnificence destroyed, just a heap of skin and bones, was so repugnant to me I was almost sick to my stomach.The question is why is this necessary to the lives of Asian people? Can they not survive and prosper without this carnage? How can we as a civilized nation help to prevent this slaughter, what if anything can we do to prevent this horror, I do not have a definitive answer but surely we can help those who have to deal with this in other countries.
Perhaps a video of this mutilation could be sent to schools in the countries that are behind this practice, hoping that the younger generation could be taught to change their way of thinking regarding animals, that this barbaric practice was cruel and not necessary. It is the same with the practice of force-feeding geese to be able to serve pate-de-fois-gras to customers in restaurants, this is also a barbaric custom as the geese are fed then killed, and have suffered through this process. Again this is done for human consumption, so that diners can have a few minutes of pleasure, a goose will suffer days of pain.
I wonder just how many people realize the cruelty that humans bestow on animals for their own pleasure. It has gone on through the ages I know, but does that condone it today? Are we not more aware than ever before through the media of television, just how many animals are tortured and killed in our lifetime, because it was an old custom does not make it right. We need to stand up for those that cannot do it for themselves. We are supposedly educated and smart in the ways of the world but choose to turn a blind eye to this ongoing cruelty of animal destruction.
We like to take our children to the Zoo, explain to them how animals live, allow them to watch animals at play and we feel that we have taught our children to behave responsibly towards those exotic creatures in cages and compounds, we have, we tell ourselves, contributed to their wellfare by paying admission. When so many animals are being killed and therefore becoming extinct ( just check the list of extinct species) how will the zoos keep operating? will our children be denied the pleasure of getting to know other animals from the wild, I feel sure that before too long, they will only have images in books to look at, unless the human race takes action.
I am against trafficking in animal parts for human pleasure. We are destroying animal habitat and forcing animals to come closer to human dwellings to get food, and then we kill them for scavenging, is this humane?
To see all these mutilated bodies just discarded on the ground, their once beautiful magnificence destroyed, just a heap of skin and bones, was so repugnant to me I was almost sick to my stomach.The question is why is this necessary to the lives of Asian people? Can they not survive and prosper without this carnage? How can we as a civilized nation help to prevent this slaughter, what if anything can we do to prevent this horror, I do not have a definitive answer but surely we can help those who have to deal with this in other countries.
Perhaps a video of this mutilation could be sent to schools in the countries that are behind this practice, hoping that the younger generation could be taught to change their way of thinking regarding animals, that this barbaric practice was cruel and not necessary. It is the same with the practice of force-feeding geese to be able to serve pate-de-fois-gras to customers in restaurants, this is also a barbaric custom as the geese are fed then killed, and have suffered through this process. Again this is done for human consumption, so that diners can have a few minutes of pleasure, a goose will suffer days of pain.
I wonder just how many people realize the cruelty that humans bestow on animals for their own pleasure. It has gone on through the ages I know, but does that condone it today? Are we not more aware than ever before through the media of television, just how many animals are tortured and killed in our lifetime, because it was an old custom does not make it right. We need to stand up for those that cannot do it for themselves. We are supposedly educated and smart in the ways of the world but choose to turn a blind eye to this ongoing cruelty of animal destruction.
We like to take our children to the Zoo, explain to them how animals live, allow them to watch animals at play and we feel that we have taught our children to behave responsibly towards those exotic creatures in cages and compounds, we have, we tell ourselves, contributed to their wellfare by paying admission. When so many animals are being killed and therefore becoming extinct ( just check the list of extinct species) how will the zoos keep operating? will our children be denied the pleasure of getting to know other animals from the wild, I feel sure that before too long, they will only have images in books to look at, unless the human race takes action.
I am against trafficking in animal parts for human pleasure. We are destroying animal habitat and forcing animals to come closer to human dwellings to get food, and then we kill them for scavenging, is this humane?
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