Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Discover The Top 3 Essential Bearded Dragon Care Tips

Bearded Dragons As Pets
You will find these little creatures make the best pets especially if you have small kids at home. With their friendly nature, inexpensive price tag, and relatively low maintenance they are becoming the most preferred exotic pets on the market. They are also easy to handle when taking them out of their tanks for feedings, bathing or just to hang out with you.

* Their Behaviors
They will also display emotions with hand waving gestures or bobbing of the head. Males will most likely display aggression towards other male reptiles. If buying two male lizards it’s best to keep them in separate tanks.
* Changing Colors
Don’t be surprised if you look up one day and your pet has changed colors. If they change to a black color they are trying to absorb heat. You will be able to tell if your pet is healthy just be observing their eating habits, activities, and color.
Best Bearded Dragon Cage Size
They will need a terrarium (Tank) any where from 50 to 70 gallons. Buying a bigger tank will save you the extra cost of buying a new tank when they become adults. You will want to give enough tank space for a basking and hiding area.
* Baby Hatchlings
For baby beardies it’s best to buy a smaller tank to allow them to catch the insects during feeding. As baby’s the insects you feed them will be fast and running all over the tank. A smaller tank will allow your pet to trap and catch his meal easily.
* Recommended Temperatures
Being that they are cold-blooded you will have to keep the temperature of their environment 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit in the day and 65 to 75′s degrees at night. They even have a recommended basking temperature of 100 to 115 degrees.
If you can regulate the humidity and temperature in your pet’s environment it will improve their growth and digestion system. To do this simply place a thermometer at each end of you house and check it often.
How Much Bearded Dragon Cost?

Compared to other exotic reptile’s they are surprisingly affordable. Similar exotic pets are selling online and in stores for roughly one hundred to five hundred dollars. Bearded dragons hatchling are selling for a mere $40 dollars. If you opt to buy an adult size lizard you will fork out no more than a one hundred bucks. Not bad for an exotic pet.
*Other Expenses
In addition to the cost of purchasing your pet you will also need to buy an aquarium, something for basking, and sleeping rock for privacy. Your new pet will also need heating and lighting equipment, as well as food.
You will find that baby bearded dragons food will include more protein and tend to eat more meat. As for adults they need less protein and their meals will consist of more fruits and vegetables.
Enhance Your Pet’s Life
If you give your pet a clean comfortable living environment, adequate daily nutrition, food, water, heating, lighting, basking and a privacy area they will be a healthy and happy pet companion.
Did you know 97.3% of all Bearded Dragons owners unintentionally make 1 of 37 dreadful mistake? Get more Bearded Dragon essential tips in this report Bearded Dragon Care Report and avoid these mistakes.

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