Sunday, December 29, 2013

Keeping Your Pet Reptiles Happy and Healthy

Pet reptiles such as snakes, bearded dragons, and crested geckos don't run around, shed fur, and scratch expensive furniture, and yet they can still be a sight to behold. Just like dogs and cats, though, reptiles require your uttermost attention in order for them to live long, quality lives under your care.

Avoid Breeding Reptiles at Home

Every year, millions of animals all over the world are being put to sleep due to lack of shelters for them to stay in, so unless you can provide enough space for several reptiles in your property, avoid breeding reptiles at home. If you have a python, for instance, you need to understand that one python can lay dozens of eggs, which means you need to have that same number of cages or container for each of the babies. These babies will eventually grow big, however, and take up more space. If you want your pet reptiles to be given the care and attention they need, let this be your number one consideration.

Provide Excellent Housing

Most reptiles are not like dogs and cats that love to run and play a lot. Nevertheless, they still deserve decent housings where they can have enough space to move around. This is crucial for muscle development. Many times, you will see reptile owners keeping snakes in long aquariums, yet with not enough height. This may seem okay since snakes simply crawl around. However, you need to understand that snakes can climb trees, too, so giving them a tall cage with several tree branches to climb on is the ideal thing to do.

Offer Nothing but High-Quality Food

Each reptile has its own unique needs in terms of feeding. Some people think snakes only need to be fed once a month, but this is a myth. In fact, most reptiles need to be fed daily. Find out how often you should feed your particular pet and avoid overfeeding. The most important thing you need to remember, though, is to provide high-quality reptile food. Most reptiles are carnivorous, so you would want to have a steady supply of pre-killed or thawed food for snakes. Avoid feeding with live food. In the wild, this is okay, but in a home where a pet owner is present to feed them, reptiles should be fed with pre-killed food.

Regular Vet Check Ups are a Must

For your pet reptiles to live long, quality lives, make sure you take them to the vet on a regular basis. This will help discover potential health problems and have them treated early. Depending on your area, there may be or may not be a vet for exotic animals. Also a visit to the vet can be very expensive, even more expensive than the cost of most reptiles kept as pets. For this reason, don't get a reptile as a pet in the first place if you are not ready to spend for it.

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